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Science and Wine is proud to partner with the second edition of the “Lifestyle, Diet, Wine & Health” congress, set to take place in the eternal city of Rome, Italy, from March 26-28, 2025. This world-class event promises to be a cornerstone for the international scientific community, presenting the latest research on the multifaceted benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

As we approach 2025, understanding the intricate relationships between lifestyle choices, dietary habits, moderate wine consumption, and overall health has never been more crucial. This congress aims to bridge the gap between cutting-edge research and practical applications, offering a platform for scientists, healthcare professionals, and industry experts to exchange ideas, present findings, and foster collaborations that could shape the future of health sciences.

Event Overview

The congress will span three days, featuring a rich program of plenary sessions, focused presentations, roundtable discussions, and networking opportunities. From the welcome reception on March 26th to the concluding remarks on March 28th, attendees can expect a comprehensive exploration of topics ranging from epigenetics and longevity to the Mediterranean diet, and the role of moderate wine consumption in health.

Key Themes and Sessions

1. Epigenetics and Nutrition
The congress opens with a plenary conference on “Epigenetics – the new hip science: extending life expectancy by eating the right foods?” This session sets the tone for the event, highlighting cutting-edge research on how dietary choices can influence gene expression and potentially extend lifespan.

2. Lifestyle-Related Diseases
A significant portion of the Congress is dedicated to addressing the prevention of modern epidemics. Experts such as Maria Puy Portillo from the University of Basque Country will discuss strategies to combat obesity, while Attilio Giacosa from the University of Pavia will explore whether sugar is “the new saturated fat” in the context of type 2 diabetes. The session also covers cardiovascular diseases and lifestyle factors that influence cancer risk.

3. Longevity and Healthy Aging
Are we all destined to become centenarians? This intriguing question will be addressed by Giuseppe Poli from the University of Turin, who will discuss the effects of anti-aging redox nutritional approaches. Laura di Renzo from the University of Tor Vergata will explore an optimal diet for longevity and good health.

4. The Mediterranean Diet and Wine
A highlight of the congress, especially relevant to the Science and Wine partnership, is the session on “Moderate wine consumption in the Mediterranean Diet under debate – A global perspective on healthy eating.” This session features talks on traditional Mediterranean eating patterns, epidemiological evidence supporting the Mediterranean diet, and the relationship between this diet, wine consumption, and biological aging.

5. Gut Health and Nutrition
Iris Shai from Ben Gurion University and Harvard University will deliver a keynote lecture titled “You are what you eat: Gut health – more than a buzzword,” emphasizing the critical role of gut health in overall wellbeing.

6. Scientific Methods and Evidence-Based Nutrition
The congress does not shy away from addressing the challenges in nutritional research. A session dedicated to “Inconsistencies in scientific evidence” will explore research methods, the validity of observational studies for guidelines, and ways to improve evidence-based nutrition.

7. Wine and Cancer Risk
Of particular interest to the Science and Wine community will be the session on “Moderate wine consumption and cancer risk.” Ramon Estruch from the University of Barcelona will present on whether wine drinkers have an increased cancer risk, offering both epidemiological perspectives and clinical aspects.

Networking and Cultural Experience

Beyond the scientific program, congress offers unparalleled networking opportunities. The welcome reception on March 26th will feature Italian wines and the taste of Italy, setting the stage for three days of knowledge exchange and collaboration. The gala dinner on March 27th promises to be a highlight, offering attendees a chance to connect in a more relaxed setting while enjoying exquisite Italian cuisine.

The choice of Rome as a venue adds a rich cultural dimension to congress. As 2025 is a Jubilee year in Rome, the city will be buzzing with additional events and visitors, creating a vibrant atmosphere for scientific discourse and exploration.

Why Attend?

1. Cutting-edge Research: Gain insights into the latest findings on lifestyle, diet, and health from world-renowned experts.

2. Interdisciplinary Approach: The Congress brings together specialists from various fields, offering a holistic view of health and nutrition.

3. Focus on Wine and Health: With Science and Wine as a partner, the event offers in-depth exploration of the role of moderate wine consumption in a healthy lifestyle.

4. Networking Opportunities: Connect with leading researchers, potential collaborators, and industry professionals from around the globe.

5. Cultural Experience: Immerse yourself in the history and culture of Rome during this special Jubilee year.

6. Professional Development: Stay at the forefront of your field and earn continuing education credit.

7. Potential for Collaboration: The Congress provides a fertile ground for initiating new research projects and partnerships.

Call for Abstracts

The organizing committee invites researchers to submit abstracts for poster presentations. This is an excellent opportunity for both established scientists and early career researchers to showcase their work and receive feedback from experts in the field. The poster session, scheduled for March 27th, will be accompanied by awards for outstanding contribution.

Special Considerations for Attendees

Given that 2025 is a Jubilee year in Rome, organizers strongly advise all participants to secure their accommodation as soon as possible. The city is expected to be busier than usual, and early booking will ensure you have comfortable lodging close to the congress venue.

Science and Wine Partnership

As a proud partner of the “Lifestyle, Diet, Wine & Health” congress, Science and Wine reaffirmed its commitment to promoting rigorous, evidence-based research on the relationship between the Mediterranean diet and health. This partnership underscores the importance of considering a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet.

The involvement of Science and Wine ensures that the latest research on the Mediterranean diet and health is well represented at congress. It also provides a platform for researchers in this field to connect and share findings, and potentially forge new collaborations.

Speakers and Experts

The congress boasts an impressive lineup of speakers from renowned institutions across the globe. Some of the notable experts include:

– Luc Djousse from Harvard University, speaking on lifestyle factors and cardiovascular diseases
– Jean-Philippe Chaput from the University of Ottawa, addressing the often-overlooked role of sleep in health
– Iris Shai from Ben Gurion University and Harvard University, delivering a keynote on gut health
– Rosa Lamuela Raventos from the University of Barcelona, exploring the role of polyphenols in health
– Bradley Johnston from Texas A&M University, discussing evidence-based nutrition
– Ramon Estruch from the University of Barcelona, presenting on wine consumption and cancer risk

These experts, among many others, will provide attendees with a comprehensive overview of the current state of research on lifestyle, diet, and health science.

Interactive Sessions and Debates

Congress goes beyond traditional presentations, incorporating interactive elements to enhance learning and engagement. The “Gastronomy roundtable: Pleasure and health” session promises to be a lively discussion on the intersection of culinary enjoyment and nutritional science. Similarly, the “Well-being and risk in context” roundtable will delve into complex topics such as population risk versus individual risk, and how to encourage healthy choices while acknowledging the role of pleasure in diet.

These interactive sessions provide attendees with the opportunity to engage directly with experts, ask questions, and contribute to discussions that could shape future research directions and public health policies.

Implications for Public Health

The findings and discussions of this congress have far-reaching implications for public health policies and guidelines. By bringing together experts to discuss topics such as the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases, longevity, and the role of diet in health, the Congress contributes to the evidence base that informs public health recommendations.

The session on moderate wine consumption in the context of the Mediterranean diet is particularly relevant to ongoing debates about alcohol in the dietary guidelines. By presenting the latest research and fostering open discussions, the congress plays a crucial role in ensuring that public health advice is based on the most up-to-date and comprehensive scientific evidence.

The “Lifestyle, Diet, Wine & Health” congress represents a significant milestone in the ongoing quest to understand and promote healthy living. By bringing together diverse experts, fostering interdisciplinary dialogue, and highlighting cutting-edge research, congress paves the way for future advancements in health science.

As we face global challenges, such as rising rates of chronic diseases, an aging population, and the need for sustainable dietary practices, the insights gained from this congress will be invaluable. The partnership between Science and Wine ensures that the complex relationship between moderate wine consumption and health is a key part of this broader discussion.

We invite researchers, healthcare professionals, policymakers, and anyone with keen interest in health and nutrition to join us in Rome for this landmark event. Together, we can work towards a future where the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, including the potential role of moderate wine consumption, are fully understood and accessible to all.

Do not miss this opportunity to be part of an event that could shape the future of health sciences. Register now and join us in Rome from March to 26-28, 2025, for the second edition of the “Lifestyle, Diet, Wine & Health’ Congress. Let us raise a glass (in moderation, of course) of health, science, and the pursuit of knowledge. https://lifestyle-wine-congress.com/

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